Motivation Interview Questions

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About this skill

No matter what role or function you're hiring someone for - motivation is critical. This is essentially a measure of how passionate, energised and mission-driven a candidate is. For any role, you'll want to make sure candidates are genuinely excited to work for your organisation.

What skills should you be looking for?

Question 1

What do you believe you can achieve through this role personally or professionally that you couldn't achieve in another organisation?

Question 2

Why do you want to work in this role/team as opposed to any other function?

Question 3

You have been working on an important project for the past few weeks and its deadline is now one week away. You have several other small tasks to complete during the coming week, but if you plan your time carefully you should be able to complete each of your current tasks effectively. While working through these tasks, your manager unexpectedly asks you to help on an urgent task, stressing that this should now take priority over any other work you have. How do you respond?

Question 4

You are working on a complex task - it is somewhat repetitive but there are a number of elements that need checking and correcting. This task was requested by an important customer and needs a high level of attention to ensure it is accurate. How do you maintain consistency and accuracy throughout the day and keep yourself motivated to finish the task efficiently and correctly?

Question 5

What excites you about this role and our organisation's mission?

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What are structured interview questions?

Structured questions (or work samples) are highly predictive, job-specific questions designed to simulate parts of a job. 

Structured work sample questions are the most predictive form of assessment you can use. Why? Because they directly test for skills by asking candidates to think as if they were already in the job.

Applied is the essential platform for fairer hiring. Purpose-built to make hiring ethical and predictive, our platform uses anonymised applications and skills-based assessments to improve diversity and identify the best talent.

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